Why Churn?


Want to fly off to Paris next weekend? Ever wondered what it’s like to fly in first class to Singapore or Dubai but don’t have $20,000 to spend? Want to take your family or send your parents on a trip to Europe? Engagement or honeymoon coming up and feeling frugal?

Churning allows you to do all of the above and so much more for (almost) free!

By putting in just a bit of effort, doing a little research, and staying organized you can quickly amass hundreds of thousands if not millions of miles and points (I earned 200,000 miles and points in my first 5 months, and I was being cautious!). Churning allows you to travel more while saving money, which you can use on other things like tours, shopping, adventures, and partying.

Not only do you get the benefit of earning miles and points that can take you places and allow you to experience things you never thought possible, but churning also helps you to stay on top of your finances, build credit, and teach others. The destinations and possibilities are endless!


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